
Little Rabbit Key kayakfari Florida Bay Everglades sunset Flex Maslan kayak canoe camp

Selected  images are available for sale as high quality archival prints in various sizes from 11×14 up to 17×25 carefully rolled into an appropriately sized mailing tube. Wider panoramics up to about 5 – 7 feet also available!

I print all of my work personally on a large format Canon printer, using very high quality archival inks and papers, labeled and signed. In many cases I will print your order on request, so please allow up to 5 days of processing time to enable me to print and properly dry your image! Shipping time will of course vary on your location.

A few one of a kind framed “originals” are available from time to time. These tend to be in the larger sizes, some up to 6 feet wide! These framed works are local pickup only in the South Florida area due to shipping size restrictions and costs, and may add a nominal transportation charge.

Additionally, all images are also available to license for your print and editorial needs!



Select the image(s) you’d like by name from the Kayakfari ART page then inquire for a size/price list or quote at ::

kayakfari (at) gmail  (dot) com


Thank you and many Blessings friends!

-Flex Maslan

8 comments on “Order/Purchase

  1. I am looking to purchase a digital copy of your photo of Little Rabbit Key. I have candidacy paperwork that I am turning in and I talk about my many trips out to Little Rabbit Key to get back in touch with the Creator. Is it possible to purchase a digital print?


  2. Hi Kerry and thanks for your interest! I’m a little bit confused whether you want a digital print (what size?) or a digital delivered product? Please contact me via email (listed above) for a price list. Thanks again! 🙂


  3. Flex,

    Your sites are more interesting and informative than many I am investigating. I am an aerial photographer interested in learning as much as I can about pole photography and It is difficult. You have shared more information than most but you gave very little information on the poles you are using or those you may have built or purchased and no information on remote camera shutter triggers .

    Since this date on your site, there may have been a number of technological advances but only a little in pole selections from Polepixie, Wooster Sherlock convertible painter poles or Wonderpoles. I also miss not having a telephone number where you might be reached even with set restrictions or an email address where you might be contacted.

    Russell Turner,
    Turner Aerial Photography, Inc. .


  4. I know you thru Erica’s 911 Paddles. Need a guide to help me cross off a bucket list item. Launch Intercoastal out thru Hillsboro Inlet. North to Boca inlet then back to launch. Late July or early Aug. Interested? Frank 954 604-0997


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